Much Harpiness
It has been a week of much harpiness for me. Kind of like happiness only there is a harp. The years of tending my hands and mind after injury on both levels is really paying off and I am finding myself joyful and excited about my music! Practicing the harp has been a main pursuit. I have been diving deeper into studying my scores.
I have been practicing using a random generator to choose which piece I will dig into next. I have placed the works on my current program on a spinner.

I have fun getting to spin again when I have finished my work on one piece. It is a little reward.
I have also been entering new music into my iPad. I compose at the harp, with pencil and paper. Then I enter it into the iPad for a cleaner score that I can then send to my publisher Currently working on a solo to play on my upcoming program on Jan. 1, 2021.

I have a piece I am working on that is by local composer Christopher Wicks. His music is deeply rooted in church music. He tends to a contrapuntal style of writing that engages those same mental physical areas that usually only apply to Bach. Like Bach, there is also a deep commitment to the music that makes it worth while. I am loving how the Sonata is progressing. I plan on recording it.

For now, practicing this piece involves hands apart, then hands together, than apart again, and together. Do that 10 times and maybe some of this will stick my my lazy brain cells.
I have three knitting projects going right now, which is silly, I know, but it is fun. I have a scarf in progress as well as a pair of slippers for my mother and a tea bag caddy. They are all fun projects.
Other crafting has me studying the service manual for my Singer Featherweight. I need to pluck up the courage to get in there and oil and lube my machine. Then, I am steps further in my sewing adventures which so far have rendered me a skirt made out of a sheet with Canada geese on it. One thrifted sheet equals one poorly made but super comfy big skirt. Here you can see my geese as well as the tail my harp has sprouted as I explore the world of harp amplification. I know that this can lead to more pedals to work with. Oh dear.
I will leave you, dear readers with a reminder to please, make pumpkin portraits; remember to move your body, get out that mat and make it happen; and maybe take one extra car selfie this week, just to prove you occasionally do still ride in a car.