Oh those strings!
Here I am heading into a Christmas season with a mixed bag of strings. I must like to live dangerously! I have had zero string deaths...
Busy times, dying strings
I know that it has been a long time since I have updated on my blog or website or anything. These have been busy times for me, dear...

Stringing Along
First, I must say, until it is under your hands, the Salzedo Variations takes FOREVER to play through. It also gives you an idea of what...

Patch Test + Heat and Chords
We recently experienced a heat wave in the great Pacific Northwest. My harp was in an inner room and not in direct light, but there is...

For the Love of the Markings
I value the marking left on my music by my teachers more and more as the years go by. Opening up one of those beloved, old, tattered,...

String Patch Update
It is another String Patch Test Update! Latest insights and critiques. 2nd Octave B, Vanderbilt gut. After hanging out and giving me...

Avocado and Turmeric, plus a Dulcimer Case.
Squash Blossom here, I hope you all will be hearing more from me in the future! I have ventured into the world of dying fabric with...

Off with that String!
The first string of the Harp String Patch Test has bit the dust, kicked the bucket, been expelled from my life. Tattered and frayed,...
Website Construction
I eagerly await my new strings. I have to replace that one that is making me crazy! Readers of my blog may have noticed that things are...
Yesterday, I bought more harp strings
Yesterday, I bought more harp strings. I prefer to order through Vanderbilt Music. I went through my existing strings and purchased...