Book inspiration day
Hello, This is weeks curated list of book stack favorites. Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham. Cunningham’s books have been a large...
The Bookstack of Inspiration
In My Bookstack Sharing the books that spark my creative mind Every month or so I collect a pile of books from our ever increasing book...

Blogging again.
It has been awhile since I have worked on my website. I hope, dear readers that you have patience with me as I grow and develop my sense...
Trying to connect
I have been following blogs through Bloglovin' and it is a super app. I am hoping to connect this site to its blogging capabilities. <a...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Wasn't 2018 a hoot? Mine was full of change on all levels. Why, getting married and moving is enough for anyone! Now...

Life is a Game of Pooh Sticks
Life is just like a game of Pooh Sticks. You find your bridge, carefully select your stick and toss it into the water. After that you...

New Beginnings
Hello Readers, It is a new season here at Bell Heather and Raven. I took the summer and got married! But now at the end of August the...

Good Morning Squash Blossom
It is a wonderful May morning here at Thistledown Cottage. The sun is shining and a sweet breeze is rustling the trees and bamboo. It...

Glisses, Rain, and Starbucks
It has been an exciting harp week! First of all I have been running around the Willamette Valley teaching and playing with the Vancouver...

Returning to the Roost
I have been away from my Bell Heather and Raven roost for way to long! Things have been reorganizing in my life along with my getting...