Coaxing Creativity
Any of us who work in the creative arts know that we have to continually feed our well of creativity, we need time to rest and...

Romanticizing Your Life With the Harp.
Hello my dear faithful readers! Today I am here to talk to you about Romanticizing your life and making the harp part of your dream life...

Blogging again.
It has been awhile since I have worked on my website. I hope, dear readers that you have patience with me as I grow and develop my sense...

New Beginnings
Hello Readers, It is a new season here at Bell Heather and Raven. I took the summer and got married! But now at the end of August the...

Returning to the Roost
I have been away from my Bell Heather and Raven roost for way to long! Things have been reorganizing in my life along with my getting...

Oh those strings!
Here I am heading into a Christmas season with a mixed bag of strings. I must like to live dangerously! I have had zero string deaths...
Busy times, dying strings
I know that it has been a long time since I have updated on my blog or website or anything. These have been busy times for me, dear...

Stringing Along
First, I must say, until it is under your hands, the Salzedo Variations takes FOREVER to play through. It also gives you an idea of what...

Patch Test + Heat and Chords
We recently experienced a heat wave in the great Pacific Northwest. My harp was in an inner room and not in direct light, but there is...

For the Love of the Markings
I value the marking left on my music by my teachers more and more as the years go by. Opening up one of those beloved, old, tattered,...